Product Name: Domestic ion source filament 60061 EI filament assembly Suitable for Agilent 5972, 5973, 5975, 5977 and 7000 mass spectrometers (MSD and TAD). Replace the following Agilent part numbers: g7005 - 60061 g3170 - 60050 g2590 - 60053 05972 - 60053 Global Atmospheric Circulation Model/ LCMS Instrument Type Agilent HP Instrument Type(s) Description ei filament assembly for 5972/5973/5975/5977/7000 cross-reference(s) g7005 - 60061 Filament, high temperature EI for GCMS G3170-60050/G7005-60061 MSD Filaments GC/MS Filaments like filaments in incandescent lamps, filaments in ion sources eventually burn out. Premature filament damage can be avoided by: When setting acquisition parameters, set the solvent delay so that the analyzer is off when the solvent peak flows out When the software prompts overide solvent delay at the beginning of a run" (Undo the solvent delay at the start of the run), be sure to select No" Higher emission current will reduce filament life If you control msD on the edit parameter screen , be sure to select MS Off before changing any filament parameters" Filament Assembly (EI) G3170-60050 G3170-60050 G3170-60050 05971-60140 Filament Assembly (CI) G1099-80053 G1099-80053 Micro ion vacuum gauge G3170-80001 / Measuring vacuum tripolar tube 0960-0897 / Ion gauge controller G3880-80010/ Ion regulator G3880-80011 The ion source is a domestic substitution, independent research and development, the quality life is the same as imported, more economical and practical