China helium mass spectrometer leak detector
New series of high- performance, high pumping speed helium massspectrometry leak detector, suitable for vacuum, automotiverefrigeration, electronics and semiconductor, nuclear industry,aerospace, high- energy physics, scientific research andother fields.
New series of high- performance, high pumping speed helium massspectrometry leak detector, suitable for vacuum, automotiverefrigeration, electronics and semiconductor, nuclear industry,aerospace, high- energy physics, scientific research andother fields.
China helium mass spectrometer leak detector
New series of high- performance, high pumping speed helium massspectrometry leak detector, suitable for vacuum, automotiverefrigeration, electronics and semiconductor, nuclear industry,aerospace, high- energy physics, scientific research andother fields.
New series of high- performance, high pumping speed helium massspectrometry leak detector, suitable for vacuum, automotiverefrigeration, electronics and semiconductor, nuclear industry,aerospace, high- energy physics, scientific research andother fields.